H3R Magazine

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Model Turned Mama Bird, Denise Vasi

What are your current hobbies?

A few months ago, I started collecting NFTs. At first, it was a hobby, but now, educating and onboarding women - especially BIPOC women - to the space has become a passion project of mine.

What is the biggest lesson that you have learned since beginning your career?

It’s never too late to start something new.

How do you stay inspired? What keeps you motivated to keep going?

The people around me inspire me: my family, my friends, and my community. I genuinely love to add value to other people’s lives and I love bringing people together. I know that that is part of my purpose in life and that deeply motivates me.

How do you define success?

One of my favorite quotes is: “Success is fine, but success is fleeting. Significance is lasting.” □

Article Credits

Denise’s Instagram: @denisevasi

Denise’s Website: maed