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Founder & CEO Of Communia: Women’s Social Network, Olivia DeRamus

Olivia DeRamus is the award-winning founder and CEO of Communia, the social network revolutionizing how women connect with others and themselves. With a background in the nonprofit industry, Olivia is committed to building a better world through the power of tech and community. Along with being an entrepreneur, Olivia is a speaker, writer, and advocate for the rights of SA survivors.

How do you bounce back from everyday obstacles or adversities?

I try to push myself to think creatively. I ask myself, "How can I turn the tables on a difficult situation?" I've realized through personal and business experiences that there are often more solutions available to us than we realize. It's just hard to think flexibly like that if we can't first get out of our heads a bit and find a certain calmness—it can be really hard to do! I've found that going on walks or doing anything (within reason) other than dwelling on a problem literally can help me come up with ideas and creative solutions. I created Communia because I recognized that while I couldn't change my own reality as a survivor, or ever obtain justice for myself, I could create a platform to help a lot of other women who were facing their own challenges. So, I ultimately did find a sense of empowerment through helping others. Creativity and helping others are a really undervalued part of living our lives; they can really help us navigate the many struggles life throws at us in ways that we can't really foresee.

How do you prioritize your mental health?

I went through a period when I started to let work become my entire life. Anyone who is lucky enough to follow their passions knows that double-edged sword of being so emotionally invested in something! When I realized how that obsession was harming my mental health, it took me a while to work out strategies that worked for me. Ultimately, I've found that journaling really helps me center and come back to myself. I mostly hear about people journaling first thing in the morning, but I am more of a night owl, so it's most effective for me to journal as I'm winding down for the day. I use the fully customizable, multi-media journaling feature on Communia in my solo practice, and I also use it to connect with my friends and check in on each other's anxiety journeys in our mutual Communia journal. In my solo practice, I really like gratitude journaling as well as just free paging my entries. I have journals for different mental health needs, which I think is important, as trying to fit all your thoughts in one space can be too hectic and counterproductive to getting centered. Simple strategies (like separate journals) tend to be overlooked, but they really can create big changes in our lives.

What's in store for the future of Communia?

We are creating a better digital world for women! Every day, more and more incredible women are joining us in building a diverse, caring, and supportive community, and I'm thrilled to be on this journey with them. We are also launching even more exciting features in the coming weeks and months in the Social and Self sections of the app that will only increase how we're able to support women. Ultimately, it is my dream that no matter where someone is or what they're going through, they will know that Communia—and our unique, empathetic community—has got their back. I'm here to challenge big tech and show that social media can be a healthy tool, as long as platforms are created intentionally and with user wellbeing the ultimate priority. Yes, it is possible to be a large-scale, successful business with a positive impact!

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What's the best advice you've ever received?

Always take a second before you react. This is true for both businesses as well as any other situation in life. When we give ourselves space to center ourselves and sort through the facts without the first rush of emotion, we're able to best advocate for ourselves in the situation. We’re a lot more likely to regret actions we take in the heat of the moment. Just because someone is rushing us, doesn't mean we have to take action on their schedule. □

Article Credits

Communia’s Instagram: @ourcommunia

Communia’s Website: ourcommunia.com

Event Photography Credits: @kirangidda

Headshot Photography Credits: @ellenorbetts

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