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Plant-Based Holistic Health Coach, Autumn Clayman

I struggled with anxiety, depression, orthorexia, and acne/gut/hormone issues. I found healing through food and spiritual practices such as mindfulness, mediation, breath-work, journaling, yoga, spending time in nature, and more. My account started as a food blog, but, slowly, evolved into a lifestyle and overall wellness.

When I started my page, I was both in school and working, so it was not my number one priority. In 2019, my account took off. At that point, I knew that I wanted to turn my account into a full-time business. Finding my exact purpose in the space was challenging to figure out. I decided to dedicate one full year to myself. In this time, I explored different areas in the food, health, and wellness space. In 2020, I attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, online health, and nutrition school and earned my holistic health coaching certification. While I was in school and training, my coaching business took off, and I was finally able to leave my serving job after seven years.

I have been working for myself for a little over a year now, and it has been the best experience. Nothing beats running a platform and a business that comes purely from the heart. I have a loving and supportive community surrounding me. I feel so grateful each day.

What has been the role of mindset in your journey?

I have been on a healing/spiritual journey for about seven years now, expanding my awareness and shifting my mindset. Observing my attitude and learning how to reprogram my mind through mediation, visualization and journaling have changed my life. I have learned how to change my mindset around food, finances, body image, career, success, etc. Everything comes down to perspective, and I am always trying to adopt an abundance mindset. This is why I am so passionate about the work I do. I have experienced unexplainable life-changing things throughout my journey. I am here to share what I've learned so others can heal.

What do you do on a daily or weekly basis for your self-care?

Self-care looks different for me every day. Sticking to my morning + nighttime rituals helps to ground and center me. In the morning, I enjoy taking my time before work. I prepare coffee, gua sha, meditate, journal, and take a cold shower. I don't follow all of these practices each morning, but I like to practice a few of these when I wake up. I spend my evenings cleaning up my space, practicing skincare, meditation, journaling, and doing yoga. How you start and end your day is so important. It has shifted my mindset so much.

Self-care also looks like setting boundaries, working extra hours, sleeping longer, turning off my phone, saying "yes" despite my anxiety, and other practices that are not as "glamorous."

What is your next big goal, either personal or professional life?

My next big goal is grad school. I studied psychology as an undergraduate. After studying holistic health and spirituality throughout my healing journey, I discovered my purpose and passion. I will be studying East-West Psychology for my Master's program, which offers a global approach to exploring and studying psychology and spirituality. After my Master's program, I plan on studying Integral and Transpersonal Psychology for my Ph.D. Program. Transpersonal Psychology is transformative psychology of mind and body. This field pays attention to mystical, spiritual, and other exceptional human experiences associated with healing and transformation.

Article Credits

Instagram: @shesplantbased

Website: https://msha.ke/shesplantbased/