H3R Magazine

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The Best Friends Behind Sainte Social, Juliana & Andie

What's your morning routine?

My morning routine starts off early. I wake up around 6 AM and I don’t touch my phone for the first hour. I make my morning coffee in my Chemex and spend some quiet time reading the Bible, praying, and setting intentions for the day as I drink my coffee. Then I do my skincare routine, get dressed, and head straight to the gym - fasted - where I usually do a strength training workout at my local gym in Santa Monica. I try to spend my mornings focusing on my health and self-care rather than jumping right into work. - Andie

I think that the morning is the most crucial time of day, as it sets the intention for the rest of your day. I'm very similar to Andie: I wake up early, make coffee, read, and prioritize my mental and spiritual health before jumping into work. A solid workout in the morning always helps me feel ready for the day as well! - Juliana

Article Credits:

Website: https://www.saintesocial.com

Instagram: @sainte.studio @juliianamarie @helloandiemarie