French Painter, Marie Amèdro

Introduce yourself. How did you get started? What's your story?

Bonjour! My

name Marie Amédro, and I am a 32 year old French independent and painter. I am particularly passionate about the functioning and development of trees; this is what inspires my geometric, colored, and textured works.

I started my career in Paris, training in art design. During this time, I discovered my passion for painting, and later branched off into marketing and communication studies. Following that, I worked for several years as a customer relations manager while continuing to paint in my free time. However, I never stayed very long in the same job or in the same company, as I quickly get tired of doing the same repetitive routines.

I never had the ambition to create my own business. Rather, it happened by chance. My change in status was born out of frustration in my old job, where the values of the company were totally against mine: there was a lack of esteem, a lack of honesty, a lack of recognition, and, also, a lack of respect. Each day made me a little more embittered and I refused to continue like that. At the same time, I was showcasing my paintings in a bar in Lille. The opening of my exhibition had been a real success. The majority of my paintings were quickly sold, and the feedback from the public was so encouraging that I said to myself, “this is the time to get started!” In August 2019, I resigned from my previous job and started the first day of the rest of my life (hopefully) as a painter. Today, I feel free. Free of my choices, free of my dreams, free to do what I love every minute that passes.

Do you have any advice for the next generation of women in business?

I often hear, "you're not a business owner, you just paint," or, "you're lucky, you only draw all day.” At first, these statements made me angry; today, it gives me even more confidence in myself! The most important thing is to never lose faith in yourself. Believe in your project, your talent, and your ideas, however far-fetched they may seem. When you wonder if you made the right choice - because you will - look back and remember why you moved forward. You will realize that, for nothing in the world, you would want to go back.

How do you define success?

A cocktail of perseverance, courage, questioning, and passion. When you fail and the glass is empty, get up and have another drink!

What's something our audience would be surprised to learn about you?

I take showers in five minutes flat! You may be wondering why I am giving you this information… In truth, it shows that time has taken on another dimension since I became self-employed. Taking a shower often seems like a real waste of time because I always have something to do that seems much more important to me. Although I don't have to answer to anyone, I am very demanding of myself, and I want to respect my daily to-do list!

Can you share your favorite life lesson quote? Why does that resonate with you so much?

We are not born entrepreneurs, but we become them.

I realize that each professional experience or each subject that I studied still serves me today in my daily life. As a painter, you don't just paint. We also practice photography, community management, web marketing, communication, logistics, accounting and so on. We multitask through the force of circumstance.

Article Credits:

Website :

Instagram : @marieamedro


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