Founder Of Monday Born, Teni Panosian
Teni Panosian first became known as a beauty and lifestyle creator through her rapidly-growing YouTube channel, expanding to Instagram and TikTok. She has since been an ambassador for brands like Maybelline and YSL Beauty and has collaborated with Bobbi Brown, Dior, and Tom Ford Beauty among others. In March 2020 she added ‘founder’ to her list of achievements, announcing the launch of Monday Born.
What inspired you to start creating and filming content?
I'd been keeping up a blog for about a year when I discovered YouTube. At the time there were a handful of beauty creators there, and I remember thinking, "I can definitely do this." I had so much knowledge to share, so I started my (then) small collection of filming equipment and through trial and error learned how to produce my content.
What is your intention when people read your digital diary?
The content on my website is almost a not-so-secret secret space. It's for anyone who has taken the time to really get too close to me, so naturally, they will have discovered my digital diary. I've always loved to write, and what you'll find there is a little more of a stripped-down, vulnerable me. I've started to share some more personal elements of my life there, just sort of my way of connecting with the people who truly want to take the time to get to know me.
What is the philosophy behind your brand, “Monday Born”
As someone who began building a community many years ago, the whole mission behind Monday Born is to continue that relationship in a production capacity. The Monday Born community is involved in not only helping us decide what product to launch next, but a small group helps us test out the products, (we've been officially doing this since August of 2020. We are the first beauty brand to do this.) and they even help us pick the final packaging design. It only made sense to continue that open dialogue, only now as a founder who has tangible products to share. And just like its founder, Monday Born is committed to a minimalist existence, only producing what we truly feel skin needs and keeping our impact on the environment as small as possible.