Wellness Expert & Creator Of The Ritual Tea, Anna Chernitskaya
Anna Chernitskaya is an entrepreneur with a passion for wellness and helping people stay physically and mentally healthy. She studied at Harvard Business school and believes intermittent fasting can dramatically change people’s health.
What was the inspiration behind creating “The Ritual”?
I was inspired by the results of intermittent fasting I was doing. At that time, I had been drinking a lot of buckwheat tea. Then, I started learning how much people can benefit just by regularly incorporating that routine. However, there aren’t many options on what people can drink while they fast; most drinks contain high amounts of sugar or caffeine.
What does your morning routine look like?
I wake up, go to the gym, shower, meditate, journal with my tea, and then I start my day!
What are three daily rituals you think everyone can benefit from?
Exercise and healthy eating are among the best daily rituals to stay healthy. It’s not even a question that most of the diseases we have are partly or wholly from the food we eat. A healthy diet is the most important key to a healthy life for any human being. I think kids should be educated from a young age about how important it is to eat healthily.
Intermittent fasting will make a dramatic difference in the way you feel. If you need to lose weight, it will improve your overall health (and save a lot of time in the morning).
Getting a good night’s sleep by going to bed early. Additionally, meditation helps me go to sleep because having a calm state of mind is very important nowadays. You can’t make good decisions or sleep well when your mind is running around.
What are the benefits of “Ritual Tea”?
Ritual Tea has ample vitamins and no caffeine, with FDA approval to boot. It acts as a diuretic and helps to get rid of excess water from the body.
My teas have an amazing taste and help to get rid of excess water weight, aid weight loss, improve the immune system, and help protect against cancer and heart disease.
How do you prepare the tea?
I put one scoop into hot water, stirring for 5 minutes to let the flavors steep.
What do you want your customers to feel after drinking Ritual Tea?
I want them to feel light and healthy. Incorporating intermittent fasting in your life will help you to feel lighter, more energetic, more productive, and will help to stay healthy. Switching to non-caffeinated drinks will help to normalize having a good night's sleep and bring more energy.
I believe that American people don’t have a culture of drinking tea, so I want to promote it because it’s a healthy habit that will bring you a feeling of lightness and renewal.
What are your future intentions and hopes for your company?
I want to sell more tea blends and supplements that will support the fasting journey. I hope to build a community that can motivate people to fast in a proper way and incorporate healthy habits to stay healthier, productive, and energized. I think fasting and eating healthy foods should be the number one priority for anyone. It helps prevent many health issues in the future, and I want people to be more aware of how important that is. If more people join the community, it will be easier for them to keep up with that lifestyle by staying connected with others going through a similar journey. I believe I can help save people's lives by making it more popular. □
Article Credits:
Instagram: @the.ritual.tea
Website: theritualteacompany.myshopify.com
Photo Credits: Marc Grigirich,Daria Gladkova