Ann Marie Coolick On Developing Her Unique Painting Style
When did you establish your current painting style, and how did your style evolve to get to this point?
I've been painting exclusively with knives for about 15 years. I've always painted thick, but I switched to only knives when the time/energy required to keep brushes clean was too much especially when working out of a shared studio space. I never looked back and have since started painting with spatulas and even spoons.
How long does it usually take for you to complete an art piece?
Sometimes I'll finish a piece in an hour or two, other times I'll do multiple layers that will take a couple weeks or even months if I start battling a piece. Drying is most unpredictable as it can take between 1-6 months for a piece to fully dry depending on the color palette.
What inspires your art pieces?
I'm inspired primarily by color and texture. I'm also inspired by sweets, cherry blossoms in springtime, fashion and more.
What advice do you have for artists that have artist's block?
Take a day to clean your space. Visit an art museum. Buy some new and different supplies. After I buy new tools to experiment with, by the time they arrive I'm ready to roll and try something new. Don't pressure yourself with perfection. Sometimes the best pieces come when you're not trying too hard. Make something-- anything. □
Article Credits
Instagram: @annmariecoolick
Twitter: @annmariecoolick
Pinterest: @annmariecoolick
Youtube: Ann Marie Coolick