Pretty Things
By Taylor Pircey
Grandma once asked me if I knew why boys liked race cars
She said it was because they like to go fast & hug the curves
& she was right.
I am all curves & no edges, except for my hands & my heart
My body is no trivial track for boys to simply ride on & hold…
I am a banquet table; a feast that is prepared but yet to be enjoyed
How sad to have mastered the art of cooking
With no one to savor the spread
I am wild, I am free; I taste of sweat and sun…
Of the wild & the fierce…can’t you smell it? Won’t you come?
“Just one bite” is a dangerous game…you’ll soon be back for more.
I am all curves & no edges, except for my hands & my heart
I am a soft canvas, stretched across rolling hills & gentle valleys
The sun has kissed my hills, my dips, my peaks, & everything in between
Yet this landscape still whispers sweet secrets that the sun has never seen
Someone once asked me what I looked my best in
I replied, “my skin”.
I am all curves & no edges, except for my hands & my heart
I am canvas, itching to be used; a blank slate, a fresh page, a sculpture of grace
The potter that shaped me was the best of the best; His hands forming each inch with precision & care
I am not made for the finger paints & wax crayons that I have been offered
I await a true artist with skill & vision
One who will fill my canvas with the most beautiful of colors & paints.
I am all curves & no edges, except for my hands & my heart
I am an instrument, stringed & curved
I am rich with potential, but boys are not skilled in this craft…
Their fingers are heavy, their scales & chords dull
So I sit, collecting the dust tightly about me
A pity indeed, for the songs I could sing- the melodies I could play - would enchant you…if only you had ears to hear & hands to play.
But the music was cheap, the tune out of reach…my strings remain dormant and still.
I am all curves & no edges, except for my hands & my heart
I am a garden, brought to full bloom
Wafting enticing scents, delicious fruit ripe for picking
Can’t you smell? Don’t you see? My fruits are ripe & swaying in the warm breeze
Inviting strong hands to take hold, to command, for fresh lips to indulge
I am fresh, green, glowing with color & health,
Surrounded by bees -- too often stung, too seldom kissed
I am all curves & no edges, except for my hands & my heart
I am strength. I am power. I am sensual. Soft, pure spun gold
I am sky-blue eyes & strawberry-red lips;smooth & subtle
I am bold confidence draped in satin & silk – this is what you see & this is what you think:
Devilish eyes, sway in step, toss of head, strength in stride
But this is not me.
You confine & define me, put me in your cage; intrigued, you play with me & poke at me
You mow down my landscape, pull at my strings; you leave spots on my canvas, tear up my race track; you steal my pollen, pick at my food; offering no return for the damages as you pull me apart in your cruel curiosity.
You forget that I am all curves & no edges, except for my hands & my heart
The thing that you missed is the cause of my curves. I have curves because I needed something to cover my edges; to soften the razor-sharp corners that lie beneath
I am soft because I have been sanded down by trial and error
I am bold because once I was timid & frightened
I have devilish eyes; forged in pain & sorrow
I have strength because once I was weak & I had to grow
I am sensual because I was once frightened by love & beauty; ashamed of the gold, bronze, blues, reds, & curves
You look at my exterior & assume you know me well, but you forget the shaping influence of my edges.
I am all curves & no edges, except for my hands & my heart
Why my hands? Why my heart?
My hands are stone cold, strong with intention.
My heart is a mace, iron walls all about.
Be careful! Don’t get close!
I may wound you if you approach.
How sad that we hide ourselves when others judge our surfaces.
They place you on a pedestal, ask you to sing & dance, but criticize you for falseness & hiding your heart in the dark.
We are so cruel to pretty things.
We destroy them in our fascination.
I am all curves & no edges, except for my hands & my heart. □
Article Credits
Personal Instagram: @t_prestininzzi
Photography Instagram: @seeking__sun
Poetry Instagram: @seekingsun_words
TikTok: @seekingsunphoto