Los Angeles Based Hormone Specialist & Pilates Instructor, Paige Lindgren Talks Food Centered Hormone Balance
Paige Lindgren is a 24-year-old LA-based wellness influencer, certified hormone specialist, & certified mat pilates instructor who is passionate about helping women feel their best & finding balance. After struggling with health issues for many years, numerous doctor’s visits, and no real answers, Paige decided to take matters into her own hands and get to the bottom of what was going on. Through countless hours of research and tests, she was able to conclude that her health issues were a result of a hormone imbalance, and because of this, Paige decided to get her Hormone Specialist Certification so she can help others who are going through the same experience. She loves to share about the stress/hormone connection, along with easy & healthy recipes to balance your hormones, workout videos, and lifestyle content. Paige has been featured in a variety of notable publications from Well+Good, mindbodygreen, and Yahoo! Her philosophy is to focus on the basics: get in the sun, move your body, laugh with friends, and eat real food.
Hi Paige! Tell us about your health journey and what led you to becoming a certified hormone specialist.
I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition when I was 9, and for the majority of my life, growing up did not feel like myself. Not enough energy, weight fluctuations, mood swings, GI issues, etc. I was trying anything and everything “conventional” but not responding to anything. Finally, in my early 20s, an amazing doctor decided to take a look at my hormone levels, and sure enough, my levels were all over the place and very much correlated with the symptoms I was experiencing. By having that vital information and making lifestyle changes, I was able to feel like myself for the first time I could remember. The majority of the women in my life were experiencing very similar issues that I knew were likely also caused by hormonal imbalances. I wanted to share my advice but wanted to be able to talk about more than just my personal story which is why I move forward on getting my Hormone Specialist Certification.
How do you use your expertise as a certified hormone specialist to share insight on hormones and nutrition with your followers?
I share my knowledge on nutrition and give simple lifestyle tips that support hormone health and overall wellness. Everybody is different and hormones are so individual, but learning the basics of nutrition, stress support, and our menstrual cycle will benefit everyone.
Can you tell us about your “From Force to Flow” program?
When I began studying hormones, I was blown away by how little I knew about the menstrual cycle. I wasn’t aware of the 4 phases that we as women experience in a month nor did I know that our mood, energy, skin, weight, and symptoms directly correlated with the changes in hormones. I wish this information was taught in health class growing up because it is so important to know. From Force to Flow is a program I created that consists of an E-book that deep dives into really explaining each phase, giving tangible wellness practices to follow, sharing how to track your cycle, and a ton of recipes that support the hormonal changes for each phase of your cycle. There is also a workout section led by Certified Personal Trainer Sara Smith and myself with workout videos to do during each phase because we should not be exercising the same every day!
What is your favorite recipe at the moment?
I am a really big fan of air fryer meals. Currently, I am having an obsession with the Trader Joes cauliflower gnocchi so I add half of the bag to my air fryer with 1 cut-up zucchini, 1 cut-up chicken sausage, a handful of cherry tomatoes, and some onion. I air fry it at 400 for 20 minutes and throw it all over a bed of arugula with some olive oil, balsamic, and feta and it is too good. I probably have it 3 nights a week at least!
What are simple changes women can make in their daily routine to optimize hormone health?
Eat breakfast and make sure there is a protein in there. That means if you want avocado toast, throw an egg on top or some chicken sausage, cottage cheese, or turkey bacon. Blood sugar balance in the morning is vital for our cortisol levels, and steady hormone health. Get outside in the morning even if that means 5 minutes. I like to do a quick walk around the block or just sit outside with my matcha for a few minutes. Getting exposure to morning light helps reset our circadian rhythm which helps balance our HPA axis and will support better sleep. Slow down! We live in such a go go go world and it is so amazing all the opportunities we have as women to go out and crush it! But we need to be reminded of our physiology and all the changes our body is going through from day to day. Work hard, work out, be a good friend, and be a good partner… but also allow time for recovery. Stress is more than a mental feeling. Pushing your body to its extreme every day with exercise, diets, too much screen time, showing up for others more than you show up for yourself, etc will make your body stuck in fight or flight which is detrimental to hormone health. Make time for reading, walking (without going on your phone), journaling, coloring, cooking, and meditation and you will be surprised by the effects it has on your health.
What inspired you to become a pilates instructor?
Pilates changed my relationship with exercise. In the past, I was only exercising to look a certain way- I did not care how the movement felt in my body. When I was pushing my body too hard with the workouts and not listening to what it asked for, it became inflamed, puffy, and uncomfortable, defeating the purpose of why I was doing it. When I started doing pilates, I felt an immediate shift in not only my body, but my mental health. I felt flexible, light, and strong. I shifted to a point where I started viewing workouts as a way to get my blood flowing, stretch, and strengthen. This way of movement felt obtainable for me, and I could see it fitting into my life forever and wanted to become certified so I could share the benefits with others!
What advice would you give to someone currently struggling with hormone health?
Learn about your body! Get your hormone levels tested by your gyno, track your cycle, learn the four phases, and adapt to your specific needs. Information is power and truly only you will know what works for you. Eat the foods that make YOU feel good (not what works for your friend or that one influencer), do the workouts that leave you feeling energized rather than beat, and acknowledge that rest is productive! □
Article Credits
Paige’s Instagram: @paige.lindgren
Paige’s TikTok: @paigelindgren
Photography Credits
Photographer: Alla Chalaya
Photographer’s Instagram: @allachalaya