Change Your Life With This Morning Routine

By: Shae Leonard

Shae Leonard is a board-certified physician’s assistant, certified advanced functional medicine practitioner, speaker, gym owner, mental health/gut/hormone expert, and founder of Shae Leonard Wellness: an online health consulting company dedicated to the root cause(s) of women's daily symptoms with education, empowerment, and healing.

Did you know that your morning routine—or lack thereof—sets up your body and mind for how to prepare and expect the rest of the day, and what is to come for bedtime? How you begin your day is one of the most important first steps to optimizing your hormones, energy, sleep, brain health, and overall health, both now and long-term. Creating a morning routine to look forward to that promotes wellness and joy is a great place to start when seeking out optimal health. Our choices in the morning set the tone for our days and nights ahead, and our body responds accordingly.

Day after day, decade after decade, we make choices that promote stress, anxiety, irritability, and fatigue, yet we become frustrated when we do not have energy, stamina, or mental clarity. Our daily routines and choices impact our genes and gene expression, which lead to changes in our biochemistry (hormones, nervous system, immune, gut, brain, and more). Those choices thus dictate the majority of the future of our health, ultimately leading us down a path of either wellness or illness. A morning and night routine that promotes wellness is my first go-to when helping others regain their energy, improve their sleep, support their hormones, reduce their stress and build mental/emotional resilience.

Here a few tips to help get you started optimizing your morning and taking back your health:

  1. Ideally, wake up naturally, a few minutes prior to the alarm. This is a great indicator of circadian rhythm balance. Do NOT hit snooze; snoozing leads to worsening grogginess and a sluggish morning. Once awake, continue to lay flat on your back and gently place your hands on your belly. Take 3 deep belly breaths and set your intention for the day. Name a few things you feel grateful and excited for that day.

    Avoid picking up or scrolling through your phone for at least 30 minutes after waking.

  2. If able, try to get 30 minutes of sunlight on your face within the first 10 minutes of waking. This will help keep your day-night cycle regulated and will improve mood, energy, and sleep. A great way to get this morning sun exposure would be going for walk.

  3. Start your days with a balanced breakfast. For women, in particular, prolonged states of fasting and skipping breakfast can cause hormonal imbalances. An overnight fast of 12 hours works great for most. Start with gentle fiber, high-quality protein, healthy fat, and antioxidants. Aim for 20g of protein within 30-60 min of waking to support hormones, energy, and mood. Be mindful and avoid rushed or distracted eating; sit, savor, and enjoy.

  4. Try to drink 30 oz of pure, filtered water. You can add minerals or electrolytes for an added boost. Don’t forget to savor and enjoy.

  5. Lastly, practice grounding with bare feet in the grass, prayer, journaling, or meditation practice. Breathe deeply. Unclench your jaw, roll your shoulders back and begin the rest of your morning routine.

You are now ready to start and conquer your day. HELL YES! Repetition of a morning routine that promotes rest and digestion instead of fight-or-flight is critical for long-term health and balance.

As John Maxwell says, “You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

Article Credits

Shae Leonard’s Website:

Shae Leonard’s Instagram: @shaeleonard

Shae Leonard’s Linktree:


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